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Please email us to share your random acts of kindness stories. Our goal is to put a spotlight on all the kind works that go on globally. We’ve pulled together some of those that caught our eye, in the hopes that more of you will be inspired to do some kindness of your own.

* Posted by Anonymous

Everyday, I pass my neighbor’s beautiful garden and it always puts a smile on my face. I’m always in awe every spring when the flowers are in full bloom. It’s so beautiful!! The colors are so vibrant in the Spring and I can tell how much they care about the plants and flowers. Today, I decided to wrap a box full of handmade paper fortune cookies with kindness quotes on each “cookie” and tied it with a green bow. I also blew up a smiley face balloon and attached it with the box. I wrote a Thank You note that said “Your garden always puts a smile on my face  ” — I left the gift box, balloon, and card by their front door! It made me feel GREAT and I’m sure it made their day!!


* Posted by Frank S.

Just wanted to let you know how I have been using the Spread Kindness Cards that I received recently.

1) Sunday April 3rd- Anonymously purchased a meal for a man who was having breakfast alone (using card printed from the website)

2) Sunday April 3rd- Purchased breakfast for a young woman who we asked to join our table (using card printed from the website)

3) Thursday April 7th – purchased fuel for the person in line behind me at a gas station (using card that I received in the mail)

4) Saturday April 9th – purchased a CD for a couple who did not have the money at a concert at our yoga studio (using card that I received in the mail)


* Posted by Michelle

My neighbor is a single mom who struggles with a lot of stuff. I had just gotten done with making brownies, and had another box, and thought to myself, if my neighbor would like some brownies too… So I baked a second batch for my neighbor and her daughter. When it was done, I got my jacket and went over to her house and gave her the brownies and also handed her the “kind card” from SpreadKindness. She was so surprised and thankful. It felt really good to do it, too!


* Posted by Maria H

My kids and I went to Target yesterday and bought 12 “movie box” M&Ms for $1 each. We gift wrapped each box and decorated them with ribbons. My kids typed a note to each of their teachers, thanking them for their hard work and signed them anonymously.

We put the M&Ms, a Kindness Card, and a Smile Stone in a brown paper lunch bag, and stapled the personalized note to close the bag. Then we took the bags to the school office and had them place one in each teacher’s mailbox.


* Posted by Sasa B

Just wanted to share my RAOK for today. I paid for the meal of the person behind me at the drive-thru of McDonald’s. I had the cashier pass her a note saying “You’ve just been gifted with a Random Act of Kindness. Share a smile. Be kind. Pass it on.” It was a great feeling! I’m ready to perform my next RAOK!


* Posted by Arch D

I do it every day for exercising my heart and my truth….Last week 2 visitors at Celebrate Life no place to live and invite them at our house for a week….Every yoga class I picked a student one or two to stand up in the middle of my class and give them acknowledgement and support with love and healing stream. Yummy!!!


* Posted by: Cherie M

On Monday I chased a dog up and down the street til he gave up and got into my car, then I drove him home where his owner was very grateful that I brought him back home. (he actually asked me if he owed me anything…I just laughed and said ‘no, just keep an eye on your kid’). That was my act of kindness for the day!! 


*Posted by: Lorena B

What a wonderful experience today was! Passing out flowers and seeing people smile. Giving away cookies and watching people enjoy them! It was interesting how many people seemed reserved as if we were selling something….when they found out it was just for kindness they smiled and accepted!


*Posted by: Denise

We had Easter Eggs filled with candies and passed them out to random people in Oakland. People’s reactions to random acts of kindness were inspiring. They didn’t expect it, but loved it! An all around great day!


* Posted by: Rick B

I love this idea and subscribe to this way of life daily. I pay for the person or persons behind me on every trip across all Bay Area bridges, and it makes my day every time and I am sure it does the same for the recipient. Include me for all that you do and I will be grateful beyond words. Thank you in advance.


* Posted by: Gloria P

I just read your article in this morning’s Sunday paper and have already joined your Facebook Group! A simple random act of kindness I practice often is letting the person behind me at the grocery store with a just a few items go ahead of me while I’m unloading my full cart! They get so excited and ask “Really?” and I feel so good about it. Sometimes they even tell me “Goodbye” when they’re finished. =) I love the idea of this group…we need more kindness in the world!!


* Posted by: Karen F

The simplest way for me to live love is to try to look at what I’m doing routinely for my own family and expand it. For example, when I am clipping coupons for my own grocery trip, I also clip really good ones I see for other stuff I don’t need (especially baby food/formula, diapers; and things I think seniors will need but have trouble affording), then as I go through the store, I leave them by those items. I say a little prayer that the right person, the person in need, will find them, and I really trust the universe to do that part. We all know where we pass the homeless poor /cardboard sign folks on our way to work; it’s so easy to order two coffees and McMuffins at McDonald’s and hand the second breakfast to one of them as we pass. When I’m buying socks at Kohl’s or school supplies at CVS and it’s BOGO, the second package can go to the family shelter for another family’s child. These simple things don’t take more than a minute, but keep me connected to the Great Commandment to love one another.


* Posted by: Alisa M

The Sandwich Movement

 A sandwich a day keeps hunger at bay!.

1. Keep sandwich ingredients in frig. Could be as simple as pb&J.
2. Make 1 sandwich before heading out, or make a bunch to keep on hand.
3. Find someone in need of food going or coming home from work.
4. Give sandwich to them.You can also duct tape it to a pole near a dumpster with a note saying
“For someone hungry”
Dumpsters are hot spots for homeless that are looking for recyclables and something to eat.
If you duck tape it on a pole be careful of the ingredients being perishable in the sun. Especially mayo.


* Posted by M.J. C

I flew to Tennessee to visit a friend, and when I checked into the hotel, I found that she had paid my bill and had arranged for a vase of roses to be placed in my room.


* Posted by Melanie S

The night before my outdoor wedding, the weather forecast predicted a chilly 50 degrees, so we moved the event indoors―but the reception hall at the site had a hideous red-and-green Swiss motif. My brides-maids spent hours decorating the room with white lights and candles. Ironically, it turned out to be a perfect 70-degree spring day, but we celebrated in that beautiful room anyway.


* Posted by Shannon E

I wait tables, and I once served two women whose credit cards were declined and who had enough cash for the meal but not for a tip. I told them not to worry; we’ve all been there. Ten minutes later, another diner left, and I picked up the payment and a generous tip. With the cash were 10 extra dollars and an unsigned note saying, “I appreciate how kind and gracious you were to those women…. Yes, we have all been there.”


* Posted by Marianna W
When my husband returned home to recuperate after a hospital stay, a great friend took all of our laundry―we have four children, mind you―and brought it back a few days later, clean and folded.


* Posted by Jeanne H

I am donating today to honor the Random Acts of Kindness done by Nickolas Leckey.  One Act of Random Kindness that Nicholas liked to do was to buy a dozen roses and pass out one at a time to each woman he met, telling her she was beautiful.  Sadly Nicholas died recently at age 21.  He had designated on his driver's license that he would like to be an organ donor, so even his passing led to Random Acts of Kindness to those in need. I hope my donation in memory of Nickolas Leckey will help to keep this organization going.  Certainly each of us can, as the old hymn says, " Brighten the Corner Where You Are".  Kindness can change the world if each of us practices simple kindness to others -- a smile, a helping hand, a phone call to check on someone.  These cost nothing.  In our area the food cupboard can turn every $1 donated into $4 worth of food though partnership with wholesalers.  I make "birthday bags" for our local food cupboard.  I get a decorative Happy Birthday bag and include a cake mix and frosting, candles, balloons, and a party hat for the birthday girl or boy.  I make up about 5-10 a month. Formerly in the eye care field, I recognize signs of poor eyesight -- in the elderly especially --and will offer to help them find something on the shelf. Simple visits to the housebound or nursing homes mean so much.  Giving someone time and listening to their stories takes some of the boredom out of their day and can lift up both of you! 

* Posted by Sherri P

My brother had CP and has been crippled his whole life. He is always happy though and never complains. Just wanted to recognize him for what he has been doing the past 2 years. Even though he is pretty much needing home health 24/7, he donates $100 for 4 people. He call the policemen and asks them to pull someone over. They are always stunned why, but then they give this person $100 and tells them this is from an anonymous donor. It is awesome to see the look on their faces. Even though he faces challenges every single day, he still takes time to give to others who he feels need help. My Mom takes care of him, and she is 83, so that is also pretty amazing. Anyway, just wanted to acknowledge him for his kind generosity, even though he is going through such a rough time himself.

*Posted by Sarah B

I run a program in my community called “Operation Birthday Wish”. OBW provides birthday gifts to every foster child in my community (about 125 kids!). I work directly with my local Department of Human Resources and people in my community to use the list of birthday wishes to get gifts for these kids that they really want. I think it’s something that people don’t often think about because no one ever stops and wonders if foster kids get birthday presents. For me, my mother always gets me a pair of pajamas and gifts I want every year, so I’d like these foster kids to receive the same kind of special treatment that I get from my parents.

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You can support us with a monetary donation, a contribution of supplies for one of our events, or a purchase from our shop. 



Are you ready to practice kindness? Use our free Kindness Cards!


A Kindness Card is something you can give to the recipient of your kindness. The back of this business-sized card includes a list of various kind acts, to help give the person some ideas of how to be kind.



Wear your Kindness!


Got kindness on the inside? Show it on the outside! Wear our kindness gear and show the world you care.


Our t-shirts and wristbands are a great way to support the cause and let the world know kindness is important. 

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You can support us with a monetary donation, a contribution of supplies for one of our events, or a purchase from our shop.


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