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We hold regular events in the San Francisco Bay Area to perform random acts of kindness. Join us!


Also, our ongoing Adopt-A-Soldier project collects donations and sends care packages, letters, and love to our men and women deployed overseas. Our goal is to communicate encouragement and express gratitude to the men and women serving our nation.


“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”

- Og Mandino



Our soldiers truly appreciate hearing from supportive Americans like you! Whether it’s a letter of encouragement or a few goodies, it really makes a difference in their lives. 

Free Hugs...and More


We hold regular events in the San Francisco Bay Area to perform acts of kindness for individuals and organizations. Join us as we inspire, enlighten, and make people happy through the sincere kindness of our hearts.

GIVE is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your contributions are tax-deductible.


You can support us with a monetary donation, a contribution of supplies for one of our events, or a purchase from our shop. 


Are you ready to practice kindness? Use our free Kindness Cards!


A Kindness Card is something you can give to the recipient of your kindness. The back of this business-sized card includes a list of various kind acts, to help give the person some ideas of how to be kind.


Wear your Kindness!


Got kindness on the inside? Show it on the outside! Wear our kindness gear and show the world you care.


Our t-shirts and wristbands are a great way to support the cause and let the world know kindness is important. 

Follow Us on
Instagram and Facebook is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your contributions are tax-deductible.


You can support us with a monetary donation, a contribution of supplies for one of our events, or a purchase from our shop.


We use 100% of donations we receive towards funding our website, projects and activities. Even the smallest donation goes a long way!

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