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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
- Mother Teresa

Whether it’s a simple smile, or something more dramatic, any kind act you perform has the same positive effect – on both the recipient, and you.
Below you'll find some sample acts of kindness. Please email us with your ideas so we can add them to the list!

Try a’ll find that the benefit far outweighs the effort. Kind people have been found to be more thankful, less stressed, and overall lead healthier lives!
And whenever you perform an act of kindness, pass along one of our Kindness Cards. They’re free, and they’re a great way to help the recipient of your kindness “pay it forward”!

Open the door for someone.
Give a helping hand when you see someone carrying alot of stuff.
Pay someone a compliment.
Help someone with their groceries or bags.
Acknowledge the cashier who’s helping you and genuinely ask them how they’re doing.
Reach an item off a high shelf for someone.
Give up your seat to someone who needs it more.
Remove debris or other obstacles from a road or path.
If you arrive at a stop sign at the same time as another driver, let them go first.
Give a homeless person the leftovers from your restaurant meal.
Purchase a couple of umbrellas, blankets, and/or ponchos at a dollar store, and keep them in your trunk. When it's a cold or rainy day, find a person who needs it (try a bus stop) and give them one.
Write an inspirational note to someone who needs inspiration.
Send a card to someone in the military overseas.
Drop off a toy or game at a hospital.
At the post office, leave some extra stamps at the stamp machine.
Buy a phone card and give to a homeless shelter for them to give to someone.
Open the phone book, pick a name, and send them something (movie tickets, thank you card, book, etc.) anonymously.
Take flowers to a hospital ward and give them to someone who hasn’t had any visitors.
Drop off teddy bears at the police department to give to traumatized children.
Pay for a bridge toll for the person behind you.
Write anonymous, loving post-its for strangers to find.
At a restaurant, pay for a table’s lunch or dinner anonymously.
Pay for someone’s groceries.
Put something you no longer need on for free.
Tape some change to a payphone with a card saying it is for whoever needs it.
Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you in line.
Pay for someone’s meal behind you at the drive-thru.
Volunteer your time at a non-profit organization.
Buy a meal for a homeless person.
Leave a book you have already finished somewhere for someone else to read.
Drop off a toy or game at a homeless shelter.
Offer to help an elderly neighbor with their household chores.
Give a lottery ticket to a stranger.
Go to a tourist spot and offer to take people's pictures with their camera.
Wave back to children who wave at you.
Say hello!
Call a friend randomly and let them know you’re thinking of them.
Bring a treat to work to share with your coworkers.
Send someone a small gift anonymously.
Drop off flowers at your friend or neighbor’s house.
Leave anonymous thank you notes to teachers.
Invite a friend to the movies or dinner.
Put change in a vending machine.
Write letters of appreciation to groups who are helping the community, the environment, etc.
If you know someone who is having a hard time financially, pop $5, $10 or $20 in an envelope, disguise your writing or type the envelope, and mail it to them.
Drop a few coins in an area where children play, where they can easily find them.
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